Vance Kirkland Works in Collections Around the World
Many public and corporate institutions, in and outside of the United States, own a piece of Vance Kirkland’s legacy. If you own a painting, drawing, or have information related to Kirkland, please contact Christopher Herron at [email protected] or 303.832.8576 x220. We would love to hear from you!
International Collectors (*museums)
*Museum of Fine Arts (Szépmüvészeti Muzeum), Budapest, Hungary
*Museum of Modern Art (Museum Moderner Kunst Stiftung Ludwig Wien), Vienna, Austria
National Collectors (*museums)
*American Museum of Western Art—The Anschutz Collection, Denver, Colorado
*The Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
Automobile Club of Southern California, Westways Cover Art Collection, Los Angeles, California
Brigham Young University Museum of Art, Provo, Utah
*Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center at Colorado College, Colorado Springs, Colorado
*Colorado State University, University Art Museum, Fort Collins, Colorado
*Columbus Museum of Art, Columbus, Ohio
*Denver Art Museum, Denver, Colorado
Denver Performing Arts Complex, Boettcher Concert Hall, Denver, Colorado
*Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit, Michigan
Dick Young Productions, Ltd., New York, New York
Ducker, Gurko and Roble, P.C., Denver, Colorado
Eastwood Printing Co., Denver, Colorado
Enmark Corporation, Denver, Colorado
Exeter Drilling Company, Denver, Colorado
Ford Times Collection of American Art, Dearborn, Michigan
*Harn Museum of Art, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida
*Harrison Museum, Utah State University, Logan, Utah